Fox Breed Standard

Updated 1st January 2024

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Standard of points

Head, Eyes Head to be of good size, bold and broad, with a gently curving profile. 10
& Ears Muzzle to be of good width and gently rounded at the nostrils.
Eyes to be large, bright and bold and set with good width between.
Ears to be large and drooping, and set with good width between.
Body Shape To have short, cobby body with good width across shoulders and body. 10
To be fit and of good substance, with plenty of firm flesh.
To have good size appropriate to age.
Markings To have solid base colour all over the body except for white areas that must be solid, clearly defined and distinct, both from the base colour and from each other: 50
of which
Nostril, Nostril area, jowls and chest to be white. (15)
Jowls, Chest & Throat There should be a clearly-defined band of base colour across the throat, evenly laced with white ticking.
Eye Circles, White eye circles to be even and clearly distinguishable. (15)
Pea-Spots On the forehead beside each ear should be clear white markings, known as ‘pea-spots’.
These should not run into the ears.
Belly, Legs & Feet Belly to be a clear white colour, with minimal darker undercolour showing and with belly colour only just visible when viewed from the side, other than an area around the forelimb extending from the belly. (10)
The inside of each leg should be white, with base colour on the outside reaching right down to and including the feet. An excess of the base colour is preferable to an excess of the belly colour
Sides Sides, including sides of hips, to be thickly laced with long white-tipped ticking. (10)
Colour Top colour and belly colour are of equal importance. 25
Base colour to conform to ESCC requirements, be even, with glossy sheen and carried down to the skin. White to be pure and clean.
Eye colour to match requirements of relevant ESCC base colour.
Toenail pigmentation to match ESCC requirements appropriate to toe colour.
Coat To be soft, clean and groomed free of guard hairs, other than on flanks where grooming may remove the desirable white markings. 5


Fox cavies are only recognised in the following standardised base colours:

  • Black
  • Chocolate
  • Slate
  • Lilac
  • Beige

Guidance notes

The Fox is a smooth-coated solid coloured cavy with sharply defined white markings around the face, chest and belly, with white-tipped ticking on the sides. It is important that white areas must not run into each other.

Hairs inside the ears may be either of base colour or white.

Specific disqualifications

Specific faults

Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council © 2020