English Crested Breed Standard

Updated 1st January 2024

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Standard of points

Head, Eyes & Ears Head to be short and broad. 24
Muzzle to be of good width and rounded at the nostrils.
Eyes to be large, bright and bold and set with good width between.
Ears to be large and drooping, with lower rim parallel to the ground & set with good width between.
Crest To radiate from a centre point between the eyes and ears. 20
To be a deep, regular rosette, with the lower edge well down the nose.
To have a pinpoint centre.
Body Shape To conform to ESCC standard. 20
Colour To conform to ESCC standard for matching English Self. 24
Coat To conform to ESCC standard. 12

N.B. The points in this Standard comprise 20% for the crest and 80% from the ESCC Standard.


As for English Self.

Guidance notes

The English Crested is a Self-coloured cavy with a crest on the forehead.

The crest consists of a rosette radiating from a centre point between the eyes and ears.

It should be deep and regular, with no areas of flatness, have a pinpoint centre and the lower edge should be well down the nose.

All other features are as for the English Self, although obviously shape of head will not be so apparent because of the crest.

Specific disqualifications

Specific faults

Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council © 2020